Camden Cutting Group
The Camden Cutting Group speaks for those in the area bound in the south by Granby Terrace, in the north by Parkway, in the west by Park Village East & West (including the Peabody Estate), and in the east by Arlington Road.
The purpose of the Camden Cutting Group is to respond to the Government’s proposed High Speed Rail (HS2) proposals with particular reference to the locality around the railway cutting which runs parallel to and between Park Village East and Mornington Terrace.
The objectives of the Camden Cutting Group are:
- to represent to HS2, its employees and its representatives, and to other relevant parties, concerns about the impact of HS2 on the neighbourhood
- to obtain and disseminate both formally and informally as much information as possible about the unfolding HS2 plans for the cutting
- to make suggestions to HS2 for the amendment or improvement of its plans
- to liaise and work in partnership with the wider Camden Community Forum and act as one of the Forum’s agreed Working Groups as appropriate.
Membership of the Camden Cutting group is open to all those resident in the neighbourhood.
The work of the Camden Cutting group is overseen by a steering group of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 members, elected at an annual general meeting (AGM). The steering group has elected a chair (Dick Booth) and secretary (Kate Macmillan).
At the AGM the chair will report on the work of the group and the treasurer will present audited accounts. The Public Meeting held on 29th May 2012 meeting constituted the group’s inaugural AGM.
If you can help please e-mail us at
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